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Site Statistics:
Registered users: 10909
Active users (for the last 30 minutes): 1029

Total games viewed: 9927399
Total fuseki moves viewed: 1620139
(Since January 2004)

Database Statistics:

Premium database

Total number of games: 101 524
Modification time: 2 Apr 2017

Number of variations for
Full Board Fuseki: 7 213 661
Half Board 19x11 Fuseki: 5.8 * 10^7
Joseki 12x12: 4.7 * 10^7
Joseki 9x9: 2.0 * 10^8

Demo database

Total number of games: 3 282
Modification time: 20 Sep 2004

Number of variations for
Full Board Fuseki: 13 259
Half Board 19x11 Fuseki: 212 265
Joseki 12x12: 107 106
Joseki 9x9: 146 645

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