Fuseki Info BiGo Software
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Keyboard Shortcuts for the Board Window:

Up Arrow () Go to the previous move
Down Arrow () Go to the next move
Right Arrow () Go 10 moves forward
Left Arrow () Go 10 moves backward
Home Go to the begin of the game
End Go to the end of the game
Spacebar Tenuki (pass)
Letters (a-z, A-Z) Play move at according point on the board
Plus (+) Increase the board size
Minus (-) Decrease the board size

Note: Some of shortcuts could not operate under specific browsers.


Tested at: Internet Explorer 6.0; Opera 7.20; Netscape 7.1; Mozilla 1.4
The site is best viewed with Internet Explorer.

Note: JavaScript must be enabled in your browser for proper representation of game records and fuseki, joseki trees.

Note: The browser option "pop-ups window" should be set to "accept pop-ups window" or "open requested pop-ups only" (it might be called in other way) for open game records from games list properly.

Contact e-mail: support@baduk.org
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