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 Game of the dayJapanese 

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# Black player Rank White player Rank Result # moves Date Event Round
1Onoda Chiyotaro3pHoninbo Shusai9pW+R1551920-01-16East-West Champions' win & continue tournament sponsored by Yorozu ChohoGame 287
2Segoe Kensaku5pHoninbo Shusai9pB+R1771920-01-27East-West Champions' win & continue tournament sponsored by Yorozu ChohoGame 288
3Kita Fumiko4pHoninbo Shusai9pW+R2811920-05-17East-West Champions' win & continue tournament sponsored by Yorozu ChohoGame 297
4Onoda Chiyotaro3pHoninbo Shusai9pB+R1421920-05-27East-West Champions' win & continue tournament sponsored by Yorozu ChohoGame 298
5Takeuchi Kazuo1p ?Kono Teruya1p ?B+R1931982-09-26East-West Japan Amateur Go Match, 6th1
6Shirai Makoto1p ?Mukai Hiroyuki1p ?W+6.52061982-09-26East-West Japan Amateur Go Match, 6th1
7Sakata Eio5pKitani Minoru7pB+12161942-01-02East-West Japan Games sponsored by Hochi Shinbun 
8Hosokawa Senjin6pKitani Minoru7pB+42431941-03-09East-West Japan Go Games sponsored by Hochi Shinbun 
9Shimamura Toshihiro5pGo Seigen7pW+R2041940-06-01East-West Japan Go match sponsored byt Mainichi Shinbun 
10Mitsuhara Itaro6pKitani Minoru6pW+22501934-08-26East-West Japan High-dan Players Radio Games sponsored by NHK 
11Hashimoto Utaro6pKitani Minoru7pB+12681936-01-07East-West Japan match sponsored by Hochi Shinbun 
12Maeda Nobuaki6pGo Seigen6pW+R1561936-07-25East-West Japan Match sponsored by Hochi Shinbun 
13Go Seigen7pIwamoto Kaoru7pB+R1611942-08-02East-West Japan Match sponsored by Hochi Shinbun 
14Maeda Nobuaki6pGo Seigen7pW+R1461941-01-16East-West Japan Match sponsored by Hochi ShinbunMaeda on 3 wins
15Tsubouchi Tetsuzo4pKitani Minoru4pW+R1761927-08-01East-West Japan Match sponsored by Kido 
16Hori Kentaro3pKitani Minoru4pB+22681927-08-03East-West Japan Match sponsored by Kido 
17Hosokawa Senjin3pKitani Minoru4pW+R2221927-08-08East-West Japan Match sponsored by Kido 
18Hashimoto Utaro9pRin Kaiho9pW+R2041971-03-20East-West Japan Match sponsored by Sankei Shinbun, Osaka Shinbun and Yukan F, 4th 
19Onoda Chiyotaro6pKitani Minoru7pW+R1401938-01-17East-West Japan Match with Komi sponsored by Hochi ShinbunKitani on 1 win
20Kitani Minoru8pMiyashita Shuyo8pB+R1091956-11-22East-West Japan Match, 1956 
21Hasegawa Akira5pKitani Minoru7pJigo2921939-10-30East-West Japan Matches sponsored by Hochi Shinbun 
22Sakata Eio8pHashimoto Utaro9pB+R1871955-01-14East-West Japan Telegraph Match, sponsored by Sangyo Keizai Shinbun and Dend, 1st 
23Segoe Kensaku7pKitani Minoru7pW+32061937-01-09East-West Japan Win & Continue Matches sponsored by Yomiuri Shinbungame 02
24Yamabe Toshiro5pHashimoto Utaro8pW+R2341950-02-12East-West Japan Win & Continue Tournamentgame 01
25Suzuki Hideko3pYoshida Misako4pB+23021931-01-09East-West Japan Women's Match sponsored by Jiji Shinpo 
26Yun Yeongseon1p ?Yi Chi-hyeon1p ?B+11.52621994-01-15EBS, 1stFinal, game 1
27Lee Yeongjin1p ?Yun Yeongseon1p ?W+R1681994-01-15EBS, 1stFinal, game 2
28King? proYun Yeongseon1p ?W+R2281994-01-08EBS, 1stLosers' Section, Final
29Lee Hyuk7 danAlexander Dinerstein7 danW+1892000-08-03EGC 2000 Main Tournament 
30Alexander Dinerstein6 danLee Hyuk7 danB+0.53292000-08-06EGC Weekend TournamentRound 3
31Artem Kachanovskyj6 danAli Jabarin5 danB+R1212010-08-06EGC20109
32Andrei Gomenyuk, RUS5 danHans Pietch7 danW+R1721996-12-14EGF Fujitsu Finals 19961
33Rob van Zeist7 danHans Pietch7 danB+5.52821996-12-15EGF Fujitsu Finals 1996Final
34Christoph Gerlach5 danHans Pietch7 danW+R1101996-12-14EGF Fujitsu Finals 1996Quaterfinal
35Hans Pietch7 danGuo Juan7 danB+19.52341996-12-15EGF Fujitsu Finals 1996Semifinal
36Umeda Haruhiko8pUshinohama Satsuo9pW+R2541996-05-15Eikyu Cup, 2nd1
37Chin Kaei9pSaito Tadashi6 danW+9.52711996-10-09Eikyu Cup, 2nd2
38Miyamoto Yoshihisa9pUshinohama Satsuo9pW+0.53241997-08-08Eikyu Cup, 2nd2
39Yokota Shigeaki9pOta Seidou9pW+1.52501996-10-02Eikyu Cup, 3rd2
40Hasegawa Sunao9pRui Naiwei9pW+R1841994-10-06Ei-Kyu-Hai 19942
41Kim Seong-ryong8pPark Jongyeol4pB+10.52722004-08-09Electron-Land Cup, 1st1/8 Final - 1
42Choi Myunghun9pChoi Gyu-byung9pW+1.52942004-08-10Electron-Land Cup, 1st1/8 Final - 2
43Ch'oe Ch'eol-han9pYun Ki-hyun9pB+R2092004-08-16Electron-Land Cup, 1st1/8 Final - 3
44Jang Su-young9pRui Naiwei9pB+7.52912004-08-17Electron-Land Cup, 1st1/8 Final - 4
45Hong Seongji3pKim Juho4pW+R2462004-08-23Electron-Land Cup, 1st1/8 Final - 5
46Kim Chan Woo3pLee Sanghun5pB+R2712004-08-24Electron-Land Cup, 1st1/8 Final - 6
47Song Taekon7pPark Sunghun4pB+R1252004-08-30Electron-Land Cup, 1st1/8 Final - 7
48Choi Myunghun9pCho Han-seong7pB+R1912004-07-06Electron-Land Cup, 1st1-01
49Kim Jong Joon5pKim Seong-ryong8pW+7.52892004-07-06Electron-Land Cup, 1st1-02
50Hong Jong-hyun9pKim Chan Woo3pW+4.52332004-07-15Electron-Land Cup, 1st1-03
51Kim Juho4pKim Yeongsam6pB+R2232004-07-15Electron-Land Cup, 1st1-04
52Song Taekon7pPark Young-hun9pB+R2212004-07-20Electron-Land Cup, 1st1-05
53Jang Su-young9pPark Byungkyu4pB+0.52372004-07-24Electron-Land Cup, 1st1-06
54Yun Ki-hyun9pIm Sun-t'aek4pB+14.52842004-07-26Electron-Land Cup, 1st1-07
55Paek Daehyun5pKo Jae-hee7pB+R1892004-08-02Electron-Land Cup, 1st1-08
56Kim Juho4pKim Seong-ryong8pW+R1802004-10-11Electron-Land Cup, 1stFinal, game 1
57Kim Seong-ryong8pKim Juho4pW+1.52742004-10-12Electron-Land Cup, 1stFinal, game 2
58Kim Juho4pKim Seong-ryong8pW+2.52792004-10-18Electron-Land Cup, 1stFinal, game 3
59Cho Hunhyun9pPark Jongyeol4pB+R1272004-06-21Electron-Land Cup, 1stPreliminary Group 1, Final
60Im Sun-t'aek4pKim Jong Joon4pB+9.53172004-04-23Electron-Land Cup, 1stPreliminary Group 1, Quart Final
61Yun Ki-hyun9pGo JaeHee7pW+R1642004-04-23Electron-Land Cup, 1stPreliminary Group 1, Quarter Final
62Lee Sanghun4pRui Naiwei9pW+R1962004-06-15Electron-Land Cup, 1stPreliminary Group 2, Final
63Rui Naiwei9pKim Yeongsam6pB+R1632004-04-14Electron-Land Cup, 1stPreliminary Group 2, Quarter Final
64Kim Chan Woo3pLee Sanghun J4pW+R2122004-04-14Electron-Land Cup, 1stPreliminary Group 2, Quarter Final
65Kim Seong-ryong8pChoi Gyu-byung9pW+R1582004-04-26Electron-Land Cup, 1stPreliminary Group 2, Quarter Final
66Hong Seongji9pCh'oe Ch'eol-han3pW+10.52892004-06-22Electron-Land Cup, 1stPreliminary Group 3, Final
67Song Taekon7pCh'oe Ch'eol-han8pB+2.52792004-06-14Electron-Land Cup, 1stPreliminary Group 3, Semi-Final
68Kim Juho4pJang Su-young9pB+R1432004-08-31Electron-Land Cup, 1stQuaterfinal - 1
69Choi Gyu-byung9pKim Seong-ryong8pW+17.52672004-09-14Electron-Land Cup, 1stQuaterfinal - 2
70Cho Hunhyun9pCh'oe Ch'eol-han8pW+R1942004-09-13Electron-Land Cup, 1stQuaterfinal - 3
71Song Taekon7pKim Chan Woo3pB+11.52512004-09-21Electron-Land Cup, 1stQuaterfinal - 4
72Ch'oe Ch'eol-han8pKim Seong-ryong8pW+1.52622004-10-01Electron-Land Cup, 1stSemifinal - 1
73Kim Juho4pSong Taekon7pB+1.52442004-10-01Electron-Land Cup, 1stSemifinal - 1
74Jang Su-young9pLee Sedol9pW+R2042005-03-16Electron-Land Cup, 2nd 
75Park Jihun (s)1p ?Kim Seong-ryong9pB+6.52752005-03-07Electron-Land Cup, 2nd1
76Park Jinsol2pNoh Young-ha9pB+11.53002005-03-09Electron-Land Cup, 2nd1
77Whang Wonjun9pYun Seonghyun9pW+R1342005-03-10Electron-Land Cup, 2nd1
78Hyeon Mijin3pKim Man-su5pB+R1692005-03-10Electron-Land Cup, 2nd1
79Lee Hajin1p ?Rui Naiwei9pB+R1812005-03-19Electron-Land Cup, 2nd1
80Hong Seongji3pAn Cho-yeong8pW+R1982005-03-19Electron-Land Cup, 2nd1
81Lee Changho9pLee Yeongkyu3pB+R1432005-03-28Electron-Land Cup, 2nd1
82Lee Hongyeol8pKim Seung-jun9pW+17.52652005-03-31Electron-Land Cup, 2nd1
83Yoo Jaehyeon6pLee Heeseong6pW+R1722005-03-31Electron-Land Cup, 2nd1
84Kim Yeong-hwan7pCho Han-seong8pW+1.52412005-04-11Electron-Land Cup, 2nd1
85Cho Hunhyun9pLee Seongjae7pW+1.52302005-04-19Electron-Land Cup, 2nd1
86Kim Juho6pLee Sangcheol7pB+R1832005-04-19Electron-Land Cup, 2nd1
87Ch'oe Ch'eol-han9pCho Hyeyeon6pB+4,52692005-04-21Electron-Land Cup, 2nd1
88Paek Seongho9pIm Sun-t'aek4pW+R1382005-04-21Electron-Land Cup, 2nd1
89Cho Hunhyun9pLee Sangcheol7pB+R2012005-02-02Electron-Land Cup, 2nd1/16 Final
90Cho Hyeyeon5pRui Naiwei9pB+R1432005-02-23Electron-Land Cup, 2nd1/16 Final
91Yoo Jaehyeon7pKim Yeong-hwan7pB+R1812005-02-28Electron-Land Cup, 2nd1/16 Final
92Ch'oe Ch'eol-han9pLee Yeongkyu3pB+R1672005-02-28Electron-Land Cup, 2nd1/16 Final
93Lee Sedol9pHyeon Mijin3pB+R1472005-05-09Electron-Land Cup, 2nd1/8 Final
94Lee Changho9pKim Seung-jun9pB+R1492005-05-10Electron-Land Cup, 2nd1/8 Final
95Yun Seonghyun9pLee Hajin1p ?B+R2072005-05-16Electron-Land Cup, 2nd1/8 Final
96Park Jieun1p ?Lee Heeseong6pW+5.52952005-05-17Electron-Land Cup, 2nd1/8 Final
97Lee Seongjae7pCh'oe Ch'eol-han9pW+R1422005-05-23Electron-Land Cup, 2nd1/8 Final
98Paek Seongho9pAn Cho-yeong8pW+R2322005-05-24Electron-Land Cup, 2nd1/8 Final
99On Sojin1p ?Cho Han-seong8pW+R1582005-05-30Electron-Land Cup, 2nd1/8 Final
100Park Jinsol2pKim Juho6pW+R2762005-05-31Electron-Land Cup, 2nd1/8 Final

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