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# 黒対局者 階級 白対局者 階級 結果 # 手 日付 イベント ラウンド
1Go Seigen五段木谷 實五段B+32641933-08-29Japan Go Championship, 1933Semifinal
2Hasegawa Akira五段Go Seigen五段W+22461934-03-30Japan Go Championship, 19341
3Maeda Nobuaki五段Go Seigen五段W+53211934-10-24Japan Go Championship, 1934Round 2
4Mukai Kazuo四段Go Seigen六段B+62561935-05-08Japan Go Championship, 1935Final League Game 2
5Go Seigen六段Suzuki Tamejiro七段黒中押し勝ち1591935-03-26Japan Go Championship, 1935Final, game 1
6Go Seigen六段Yamaguchi五段黒中押し勝ち2231935-10-05Japan Go Championship, 1935Round 2
7Go Seigen五段Shinohara Masami五段黒中押し勝ち1971935-01-30Japan Go Championship, 1935Round 3
8橋本 Utaro六段Go Seigen八段B+0.52611936-01-16Japan Go Championship, 1936 
9Murashima Yoshinori五段Kubomatsu Katsukiyo六段W+1.52461936-02-26Japan Go Championship, 2ndFinal
10橋本 Utaro五段Kato Shin七段黒中押し勝ち2171935-11-17Japan Igo Championship, sponsored by Osaka Mainichi and Tokyo Nichinichi newspapers, 2ndRound 2
11橋本 Utaro五段Kubomatsu Katsukiyo六段白中押し勝ち2301936-02-27Japan Igo Championship, sponsored by Osaka Mainichi and Tokyo Nichinichi newspapers, 2ndSemifinal
12河野 臨2pkSorin Gherman6 danB+2.51451994-01-01Japan Insei lague, B class 
13Yamada2pkSorin Gherman6 dan白中押し勝ち791994-10-08Japan Insei lague, B class 
14Matsuda3pkSorin Gherman6 danB+3.51861994-01-04Japan Insei lague, C class 
15Sorin Gherman6 danMakihata Taeko3pk白中押し勝ち1101995-02-11Japan Insei lague, C class 
16趙 治勲3pkCho Hunhyun1pk白中押し勝ち1821965-10-23Japan Insei Touranment, 1965 
17Cho Hunhyun1p ?趙 治勲1p ?黒中押し勝ち1131966-01-11Japan Insei Tournament, 1966 
18中野 寛也九段羽根 直樹七段白中押し勝ち1441999-10-19Japan Okan (Crown) Tournament Title, 40thFinal
19木谷 實五段Mukai Kazuo四段Jigo2501931-10-07Japan Promotion Tournament, 1931, FallRound 1 of 8
20Onoda Chiyotaro六段Go Seigen六段白中押し勝ち1961938-11-03Japan Promotion Tournament, 1938, FallRound 5
21趙 治勲七段石田 芳夫九段W+3.52591975-11-01Japan Series League, 2ndLeague
22石田 芳夫八段坂田 栄男九段黒中押し勝ち1431973-12-15Japan Series, 1stFinal
23林 海峰九段大| 英雄九段黒中押し勝ち2231973-01-01Japan Series, 1stLeague
24大| 英雄九段坂田 栄男九段白中押し勝ち2721973-10-07Japan Series, 1stLeague
25坂田 栄男九段石田 芳夫九段W+1.52571973-10-22Japan Series, 1stLeague
26林 海峰九段坂田 栄男九段W+4.52861973-12-01Japan Series, 1stLeague
27Kobayashi Reiko六段伊藤 友恵五段黒中押し勝ち1711975-07-26Japan Series, 2nd 
28林 海峰九段坂田 栄男九段白中押し勝ち1841975-10-06Japan Series, 2ndLeague
29坂田 栄男九段大| 英雄九段B+3.52791975-11-23Japan Series, 2ndLeague
30Yamada Kohei6 dan?Tazawa Kazuya6 dan?白中押し勝ち1341999-08-04Japan Youth Championships, 20thMiddle School Section, Final
31Shu Chusho6 dan?Mukai Hoshiaki6 dan?白中押し勝ち1401999-08-04Japan Youth Championships, 20thPrimary School Section, Final
32Okada Hakaru6 dan?Hino Rissei6 dan?白中押し勝ち1122003-08-06Japan Youth Tournament, 24thElementary School Section Final
33Imamura Fumiaki7 danShi Hongyi七段白中押し勝ち1281995-06-22Japan-China Amateur Saikyo, 2nd3-game match, Game 1
34Chang Hao九段羽根 直樹九段B+1.52582005-05-30Japan-China Competition at 2005 EXPO1
35Nie Weiping九段小林 光一九段W+1.52702005-05-30Japan-China Competition at 2005 EXPO1
36山城 宏九段Luo Xihe九段B+0.52552005-05-30Japan-China Competition at 2005 EXPO1
37武宮 正樹九段Ma Xiaochun九段黒中押し勝ち1212005-05-30Japan-China Competition at 2005 EXPO1
38Chen Zude九段林 海峰九段白中押し勝ち742005-05-30Japan-China Competition at 2005 EXPO1
39結城 聡九段Chang Hao九段黒中押し勝ち2152005-05-31Japan-China Competition at 2005 EXPORound 2
40大| 英雄九段Chen Zude九段B+10.52882005-05-31Japan-China Competition at 2005 EXPORound 2
41羽根 泰正九段Nie Weiping九段白中押し勝ち2102005-05-31Japan-China Competition at 2005 EXPORound 2
42Guo Tisheng? proKikuchi Yasuro? pro黒中押し勝ち2151961-09-21Japan-China Exchange 
43梶原 武雄八段Guo Tisheng? pro黒中押し勝ち1511962-07-11Japan-China Exchange 
44羽根 泰正九段Nie Weiping九段W+9.52411986-05-13Japan-China exchange, 14th10
45白石 裕九段Shao Zhengzhong七段W+5.52681986-05-13Japan-China exchange, 14th11
46Cao Dayuan八段橋本 昌二九段白中押し勝ち1761986-05-15Japan-China exchange, 14th13
47Wang Kun七段郡 寿男七段黒中押し勝ち1651986-05-15Japan-China exchange, 14th14
48Ma Xiaochun九段小林 覚八段B+0.52371986-05-01Japan-China exchange, 14th2
49Nie Weiping九段武宮 正樹九段W+3.52911986-05-07Japan-China exchange, 14th3
50加藤 正夫九段Nie Weiping九段黒中押し勝ち1991986-05-01Japan-China exchange, 14th4
51酒井 猛九段Shao Zhengzhong七段黒中押し勝ち1871986-05-01Japan-China exchange, 14th5
52加藤 正夫九段Nie Weiping九段B+4,52381986-05-05Japan-China exchange, 14th6
53時本 壱八段Kong Xiangming八段B+92661986-05-05Japan-China exchange, 14th7
54Rui Naiwei七段菅野 清規七段B+5.52631986-05-05Japan-China exchange, 14th8
55宮沢 吾朗七段Qian Yuping七段黒中押し勝ち1491986-05-05Japan-China exchange, 14th9
56Ma Xiaochun九段苑田 勇一九段白中押し勝ち2061986-05-15Japan-China exchange, 14thRound 7
57Chang Hao四段有村 比呂司四段黒中押し勝ち1371992-04-26Japan-China Exchange, 20th 
58Chen Zude九段橋本 昌二九段黒中押し勝ち2001962-07-21Japan-China Go Exchange 
59Chen Zude5p ?杉内 雅男九段B+0.52721963-09-27Japan-China Go Exchange 
60Wu Songsheng九段宮本 直毅八段黒中押し勝ち1771963-09-27Japan-China Go Exchange 
61Nie Weiping5p ?石田 芳夫九段B+72621976-06-04Japan-China Go Exchange 
62Ma Xiaochun七段小島 高穂九段黒中押し勝ち1211981-06-09Japan-China Go Exchange 
63Wang Yuan五段牛之浜 撮雄九段B+5.52151984-06-05Japan-China Go exchange, 12th1
64石井 邦夫九段Sun Suemin六段黒中押し勝ち1971984-06-05Japan-China Go exchange, 12th10
65加藤 正夫九段Nie Weiping九段B+92341984-06-03Japan-China Go exchange, 12th3rd game
66橋本 昌二九段Ma Xiaochun九段W+1.52621984-06-05Japan-China Go exchange, 12th5
67Can Yuipin六段片岡 聡七段W+3071984-05-24Japan-China Go exchange, 12th6
68Liu Xiaoguang八段大平 修三九段黒中押し勝ち1731984-05-24Japan-China Go exchange, 12th7
69小林 覚七段Kun Sian'an七段B+92771984-05-26Japan-China Go exchange, 12th8
70羽根 泰正九段Cao Dayuan七段黒中押し勝ち1791984-06-03Japan-China Go exchange, 12th9
71趙 治勲九段Nie Weiping九段B+3.52751984-05-24Japan-China Go exchange, 12thgame 01
72Nie Weiping九段趙 治勲九段W+1.52311984-05-26Japan-China Go exchange, 12thgame 02
73Nie Weiping九段加藤 正夫九段W+3.52561984-06-05Japan-China Go exchange, 12thgame 04
74Nie Weiping九段坂田 栄男九段B+6.52031984-06-01Japan-China Go exchange, 12thspecial hayago game
75Ma Xiaochun九段石田 章九段黒中押し勝ち1951985-05-28Japan-China Go exchange, 13th 
76Jiang Zhujiu八段酒井 猛九段白中押し勝ち1941985-05-30Japan-China Go exchange, 13thRound 2
77淡路 修三九段Cao Dayuan八段黒中押し勝ち1631985-06-06Japan-China Go exchange, 13thRound 5
78桑田 泰明八段Rui Naiwei七段黒中押し勝ち1761985-06-11Japan-China Go exchange, 13thRound 6
79三村 智保二段Zhang Wendong四段黒中押し勝ち2171989-05-11Japan-China Go Exchange, 17th 
80Liu Jing二段森田 道博四段白中押し勝ち1961989-05-10Japan-China Go Exchange, 17th2
81小松 英樹六段Zhang Wendong四段W+0.52341989-05-10Japan-China Go Exchange, 17th234
82Yu Ping二段青木 喜久代二段白中押し勝ち2391989-05-11Japan-China Go Exchange, 17th5
83宮崎 志魔子二段Zhou Heyang1p ?W+1.51891989-05-11Japan-China Go Exchange, 17th6
84Liu Xiaoguang六段片岡 聡六段W+32721981-11-06Japan-China Go Exchange, 19821
85Yang Hui五段小松 英樹二段白中押し勝ち1361982-05-15Japan-China Go Exchange, 198210
86Ma Xiaochun七段山城 宏七段白中押し勝ち1961982-09-01Japan-China Go Exchange, 19822
87Nie Weiping九段工藤 紀夫九段B+42441982-06-10Japan-China Go Exchange, 19823
88楠 光子六段Rui Naiwei四段W+3.51721982-06-22Japan-China Go Exchange, 19824
89Cao Dayuan七段清成 哲也七段黒中押し勝ち1191982-05-18Japan-China Go Exchange, 19825
90藤沢 一なり1p ?Chen Mingchuan四段黒中押し勝ち1791982-05-18Japan-China Go Exchange, 19826
91浅野 英昭六段Jiang Mingjiu五段黒中押し勝ち1261982-06-12Japan-China Go Exchange, 19827
92Shao Junjie六段安田 泰利三段黒中押し勝ち1091982-05-19Japan-China Go Exchange, 19829
93Qian Yuping四段依田 紀基三段黒中押し勝ち1951982-01-31Japan-China Go Exchange, 1982, New Stars/Xinxue Match 
94Ta-yuan TsaoAmateur World Champion藤沢 秀行九段黒中押し勝ち1991981-10-08Japan-China Meeting 
95Ch'oe Mun-yeong二段羽根 直樹八段W+Time2242000-07-29Japan-China New Stars Exchange, 7th1
96Go Seigen三段Honinbo Shusai九段B+42231928-12-26Japan-China Series sponsored by Jiji Shinpogame 01
97Wang Jianhong六段依田 紀基五段白中押し勝ち2301984-10-16Japan-China Super Go, 1stgame 01
98依田 紀基五段Jiang Zhujiu? proW+2.52481984-10-26Japan-China Super Go, 1stgame 02
99Jiang Zhujiu七段小林 覚八段黒中押し勝ち1511984-12-21Japan-China Super Go, 1stgame 03
100淡路 修三九段Jiang Zhujiu七段W+4.52611985-02-02Japan-China Super Go, 1stgame 04

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